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Data overview

To load a dataset in PKanalix, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new project and load the dataset file

    1. Dataset that needs formatting: If needed, format your data first by selecting ‘Browse’ under ‘Format data’ to use the data formatting module which allows you to:

      • to handle several header lines

      • merge several observation columns into one

      • add censoring information based on tags in the observation column

      • add treatment information manually or from external files

      • add more columns such as covariates from an external file

    2. Already formatted dataset: If the data is already in the right format, load it directly by selecting ‘Browse’ under ‘Data file

If the dataset does not follow a formatting rule, the dataset will not be accepted, but errors will guide you to find what is missing and could be added by data formatting.

  1. Column tagging: tag the columns not recognized automatically to indicate their type and click on ACCEPT.

  2. Defining units: If you want to work with units, indicate the units in the data and the appropriate conversion to the ones you prefer to use inside the Data tab (if relevant)

  3. Filters: If needed, filter your dataset to use only part of it in the Filters tab

  4. Explore: The interpreted dataset is displayed in Data, and Plots and covariate statistics are generated.

To use a dataset from a Monolix project, or to use simulations from a Simulx project, you can directly import or export the Monolix/Simulx project which will automatically define the dataset in the Data tab.

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