[Monolix - PKanalix - Simulx] Export current project to Monolix, PKanalix or Simulx
Export the current project to another application of the MonolixSuite, and load the exported project.
NOTE: This action switches the current session to the target software. Current unsaved modifications will be lost.
The extensions are .mlxtran for Monolix, .pkx for PKanalix, .smlx for Simulx and .dxp for Datxplore.
WARNING: R is sensitive between '\' and '/', only '/' can be used.
exportProject(settings, force = F)
- settings
(character) Export settings:
targetSoftware (character) Target software ("monolix" | "simulx" | "pkanalix")
filesNextToProject (logical) [optional][Monolix - PKanalix] Save data and/or structural model file next to exported project ([TRUE] | FALSE). Forced to TRUE for Simulx.
dataFilePath (character) [optional][Monolix - Simulx] Path (filesNextToProject == FALSE) or name (filesNextToProject == TRUE) of the exported data file. Available only for generated datasets in Monolix (vpc, individual fits)
dataFileType (character) [optional][Monolix] Dataset used in the exported project (["original"] | "vpc" | "individualFits")
modelFileName (character) [optional][Simulx] Name of the exported model file.
exportedUnusedCovariates (list) [optional][Monolix - PKanalix => Simulx] Covariates not used in the individual model (if present) to be exported to Simulx. A list with:
all (logical) Export all unused covariates. FALSE by default.
name (vector) List of exported unused covariate names. Required if all == FALSE, ignored if not.
- force
(logical) [optional] Should software switch security be overpassed or not. Equals FALSE by default.
At export, a new project is created in a temporary folder. By default, the file is created with a project setting filesNextToProject = TRUE, which means that file dependencies such as data and model files are copied and kept next to the new project (or in the result folder for Simulx). This new project can be saved to the desired location withsaveProject.
Exporting a Monolix or a PKanalix project to Simulx automatically creates elements that can be used for simulation, exactly as in the GUI.
To see which elements of some type have been created in the new project, you can use the get..Element functions: getOccasionElements,
, getPopulationElements
, getIndividualElements
, getCovariateElements
, getTreatmentElements
, getOutputElements
, getRegressorElements