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Get the list of all available individual parameters elements for the simulation. To use one of these elements in simulation, please add it to a simulation group with setGroupElement.




Individual parameters elements can be defined with defineIndividualElement, or created by importing a Monolix or PKanalix project. Elements defined are created in the background and saved with the Simulx project if calling saveProject. They can be deleted with deleteElement.

Each element is a list of

"inputType"(character)Type of input definition: can be "manual" or "external".
"file"(list)if the inputType is external, list with path to the file and sheet in the excel (if relevant) . NULL else wise.
"data"(data.frame)Values of the element.

If the Simulx project was created from a model file, an individual element IndivParameters is created with all values equal 1.

If the Simulx project was created by importing or exporting a Monolix project, the following individual elements are created:

  • mlx_IndivInit is created with a vector of initial population parameters if the population parameters were not estimated.

  • mlx_PopIndiv is created with a vector of estimated population parameters (without the covariate(s) impact(s)) if the population parameters were estimated.

  • mlx_PopIndivCov is created with a table of estimated population parameters with covariate impact if the population parameters were estimated.

  • mlx_EBEs is created with a table of estimated EBEs if the EBEs were estimated.

  • mlx_CondMean is created with a table of estimated conditional mean for each individual if the conditional distribution task was run.

  • mlx_CondDistSample is created with a table including the first sample from the conditional distribution for each individual if the conditional distribution task was run.

If the Simulx project was created by importing or exporting a PKanalix project, the following individual elements are created:

  • an individual element pkx_IndivInit is created with a vector of initial parameters if the CA task has not run.

  • an individual element pkx_Indiv is created with a table of individual parameters estimated in PKanalix if the CA task has run with the method "individual fit".

  • an individual element pkx_IndivPooled is created with a vector of parameters estimated in PKanalix if the CA task has run with the method "pooled fit".

  • an individual element pkx_IndivGeoMean is created with a vector of individual parameters corresponding to the geometric mean of individual parameters estimated in PKanalix if the CA task has run with the method "individual fit".


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