[Monolix - PKanalix - Simulx] Save current project
Save the current project as a file that can be reloaded in the connectors or in the GUI.
saveProject(projectFile = "")
- projectFile
[optional](character) Path where to save a copy of the current mlxtran model. Can be absolute or relative to the current working directory. If no path is given, the file used to build the current configuration is updated.
The extensions are .mlxtran for Monolix, .pkx for PKanalix, and .smlx for Simulx.
WARNING: R is sensitive between '\' and '/', only '/' can be used.
If the project setting "userfilesnexttoproject" is set to TRUE with setProjectSettings
, all file dependencies such as model, data or external files are saved next to the project for Monolix and PKanalix, and in the result folder for Simulx.