Exploration or simulation scenarios are build from elements, such as model, parameters, treatments etc. Definition tab, as the name suggests, allows to create these simulation elements through user-friendly and flexible methods. Moreover, it displays them is dedicated sections, which gives a clear overview of the project status. Definition of the following simulation elements is available:

Each element, imported from Monolix or used-defined, is a table , vector
or a distribution
These icons next to the element name inform about the type when you hover on it with a cursor (green frame). Elements can be displayed, edited, duplicated (besides tables) or deleted (red frame). To create a new element, go to a dedicated section and click the “plus” button (blue frame).
Model is a mandatory element. It has to be loaded as first, because only elements present in the model can be defined. Otherwise, the section is greyed out and unavailable, for instance “regressors” (blue arrow at the bottom). Of course, more then one element of each category is possible.
After importing a project from Monolix, all elements are automatically created using Monolix model, results and dataset, see the list of elements here. In a new project written from scratch, Simulx generates default elements based on the loaded model to guide building new ones.