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Set the initial value of all the population parameters in the current project to the ones previously estimated. These the values will be used in the population parameter estimation algorithm the next time the scenario is run.
WARNING: If there are changes to the model after the last run, it will not be possible to set the initial values, as the structure of the project has changed since the last results. Call runPopulationParameterEstimation to rerun the estimates before calling this method.


setInitialEstimatesToLastEstimates(fixedEffectsOnly = FALSE)



(logical) If set to TRUE, only the fixed effects (with suffix "_pop") are initialized to their last estimated values. Otherwise, if FALSE, all population parameters, including fixed effect, error model, covariate, and correlation parameters, are re-initialized too. FALSE by default.

See also

getEstimatedPopulationParameters to get the population parameters estimated values (that values that will be used by this method_)
getPopulationParameterInformation to get the current population parameter information, including initial values
runPopulationParameterEstimation to estimate the population parameters
setPopulationParameterInformation to set the population parameter information
getFixedEffectsByAutoInit to estimate initial values for the population parameters


loadProject(file.path(getDemoPath(), "1.creating_and_using_models", "1.1.libraries_of_models", "theophylline_project.mlxtran"))
#>       name initialValue method
#> 1   ka_pop          1.0    MLE
#> 2    V_pop          0.5    MLE
#> 3   Cl_pop          0.1    MLE
#> 4 omega_Cl          1.0    MLE
#> 5  omega_V          1.0    MLE
#> 6 omega_ka          1.0    MLE
#> 7        a          1.0    MLE
#> 8        b          0.3    MLE
#> 9        c          1.0  FIXED

# set only initial values for fixed effects to the last estimated values
setInitialEstimatesToLastEstimates(fixedEffectsOnly = TRUE)
#>       name initialValue method
#> 1   ka_pop    1.5257500    MLE
#> 2    V_pop    0.4545906    MLE
#> 3   Cl_pop    0.0402538    MLE
#> 4 omega_Cl    1.0000000    MLE
#> 5  omega_V    1.0000000    MLE
#> 6 omega_ka    1.0000000    MLE
#> 7        a    1.0000000    MLE
#> 8        b    0.3000000    MLE
#> 9        c    1.0000000  FIXED

# set all parameter initial values to last estimated values
#>       name initialValue method
#> 1   ka_pop    1.5257500    MLE
#> 2    V_pop    0.4545906    MLE
#> 3   Cl_pop    0.0402538    MLE
#> 4 omega_Cl    0.2609200    MLE
#> 5  omega_V    0.1252745    MLE
#> 6 omega_ka    0.6594696    MLE
#> 7        a    0.4441987    MLE
#> 8        b    0.0538238    MLE
#> 9        c    1.0000000  FIXED

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