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Get the name, the initial value, the estimation method and, if relevant, MAP (Maximum A Posteriori) parameter values of the population parameters in the project. Information is available for fixed effects (with suffix "_pop"), random effects (with prefix "omega_"), error model parameters (i.e. a, b, c), covariates (with prefix "beta_") including latent covariate probabilities (with prefix "p" and numeric suffix), and correlations (with prefix "corr_").




A data frame giving, for each population parameter, the following information:

  • name: (character) parameter name

  • initialValue: (double) initial value

  • method: (character) estimation method (see Details)

  • priorValue: (double) [MAP only] typical value for prior

  • priorSD: (double) [MAP only] standard deviation for prior


Available estimation methods are:

"FIXED"Fixed parameterNo estimation
"MLE"Maximum Likelihood EstimationSAEM algorithm
"MAP"Maximum A Posteriori EstimationBayesian estimation

See also

setPopulationParameterInformation to set the population parameter information
getEstimatedPopulationParameters to get the population parameters estimated values
setInitialEstimatesToLastEstimates to set the population parameter initial values to the last estimated values
getFixedEffectsByAutoInit to estimate initial values for the population parameters



# simple model (MLE/FIXED)
loadProject(file.path(getDemoPath(), "1.creating_and_using_models", "1.1.libraries_of_models", "theophylline_project.mlxtran"))
#>       name initialValue method
#> 1   ka_pop          1.0    MLE
#> 2    V_pop          0.5    MLE
#> 3   Cl_pop          0.1    MLE
#> 4 omega_Cl          1.0    MLE
#> 5  omega_V          1.0    MLE
#> 6 omega_ka          1.0    MLE
#> 7        a          1.0    MLE
#> 8        b          0.3    MLE
#> 9        c          1.0  FIXED

# model with MAP
loadProject(file.path(getDemoPath(), "7.miscellaneous", "7.2.bayesian_estimation", "theobayes1_project.mlxtran"))
#>       name initialValue method priorValue priorSD
#> 1   ka_pop          2.0    MAP          2     0.1
#> 2    V_pop         20.0    MLE         NA      NA
#> 3   Cl_pop          1.0    MLE         NA      NA
#> 4 omega_Cl          1.0    MLE         NA      NA
#> 5  omega_V          1.0    MLE         NA      NA
#> 6 omega_ka          1.0    MLE         NA      NA
#> 7        a          1.0    MLE         NA      NA
#> 8        b          0.3    MLE         NA      NA
#> 9        c          1.0  FIXED         NA      NA

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