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Set the value of one or several of the settings of the project. Associated settings for Monolix projects are:

"directory"(character)Path to the folder where simulation results will be saved. It should be a writable directory.
"exportResults"(logical)Should results be exported.
"seed"(0 < integer < 2147483647)Seed used by random generators.
"grid"(integer)Number of points for the continuous simulation grid.
"nbSimulations"(integer)Number of simulations.
"dataandmodelnexttoproject"(logical)Should data and model files be saved next to project.

Associated settings for PKanalix projects are:

"directory"(character)Path to the folder where simulation results will be saved. It should be a writable directory.
"dataNextToProject"(logical)Should data and model (in case of CA) files be saved next to project.
"seed"(0 < integer < 2147483647)Seed used by random generators.

Associated settings for Simulx projects are:

"directory"(character)Path to the folder where simulation results will be saved. It should be a writable directory.
"seed"(0 < integer < 2147483647)Seed used by random generators.
"userfilesnexttoproject"(logical)Should user files be saved next to project.





A collection of comma-separated pairs {settingName = settingValue}.


if (FALSE) {
setProjectSettings(directory = "/path/to/export/directory", seed = 12345)
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