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Get the settings associated to the bioequivalence estimation. Associated settings are:

"level"(integer)Level of the confidence interval
Limit in which the confidence interval must be to conclude the bioequivalence is true"computedBioequivalenceParameters"
(data.frame)Parameters to consider for the bioequivalence analysis and if they should be log-transformed (true/false). This list must be a subset of the NCA setting "computedncaparamteters".
"linearModelFactors"(list)The values are headers of the data set, except for reference where it must be one of the categories of the "formulation" categorical covariate. For "additional", a vector of headers can be given.
t-test using the residuals degrees of freedom assuming equal variances ("residuals") or using the Welch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom assuming unequal variances ("WelchSatterthwaite", default)"bedesign"
(character)automatically recognize BE design "crossover" or "parallel" (cannot be changed)





[optional] (character) Name of the settings whose value should be displayed. If no argument is provided, all the settings are returned.


A list with each setting name mapped to its current value.


if (FALSE) {
getBioequivalenceSettings() # retrieve a list of all the bioequivalence methodology settings
getBioequivalenceSettings("level","bioequivalenceLimits") # retrieve a list containing only the value of the settings whose name has been passed in argument
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