[PKanalix] Get the settings associated to the bioequivalence estimation.
Get the settings associated to the bioequivalence estimation. Associated settings are:
"level" | (integer) | Level of the confidence interval |
"bioequivalenceLimits" | (vector) | |
Limit in which the confidence interval must be to conclude the bioequivalence is true | "computedBioequivalenceParameters" | |
(data.frame) | Parameters to consider for the bioequivalence analysis and if they should be log-transformed (true/false). This list must be a subset of the NCA setting "computedncaparamteters". | |
"linearModelFactors" | (list) | The values are headers of the data set, except for reference where it must be one of the categories of the "formulation" categorical covariate. For "additional", a vector of headers can be given. |
"degreesFreedom" | (character) | |
t-test using the residuals degrees of freedom assuming equal variances ("residuals") or using the Welch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom assuming unequal variances ("WelchSatterthwaite", default) | "bedesign" | |
(character) | automatically recognize BE design "crossover" or "parallel" (cannot be changed) |
- ...
[optional] (character) Name of the settings whose value should be displayed. If no argument is provided, all the settings are returned.
A list with each setting name mapped to its current value.
See also
if (FALSE) {
getBioequivalenceSettings() # retrieve a list of all the bioequivalence methodology settings
getBioequivalenceSettings("level","bioequivalenceLimits") # retrieve a list containing only the value of the settings whose name has been passed in argument