Export a PKanalix project
MonolixSuite applications are interconnected and you can import and export a PKanalix project across different applications. This interconnection is facilitated by using the same model syntax (mlxtran language) and the same dataset format. There are two options to export a PKanalix project:
Export to Monolix for population model development, estimation and diagnosis. See the Monolix documentation.
Export to Simulx for simulations of new scenarios, e.g., new dosing regimens. It requires specifying a CA model. See the Simulx documentation.
Exporting a PKanalix project to Simulx is available starting with version 2023. In previous versions, you can only export a PKanalix project to Monolix.
To export a PKanalix project to Monolix or Simulx click “Export Project To” in the top menu “Export,” select the target software (Monolix or Simulx), and confirm the process by clicking on the “Export” button at the bottom. By default, associated files, e.g., dataset and model files, are saved next to the target project.

Export to Monolix
Exporting a PKanalix project to Monolix automatically opens a Monolix window and creates a new Monolix project with the following predefined elements:
Dataset tagging and formatting steps (if present): the same as the PKanalix project.
Dataset filters (if applied): the same as the PKanalix project.
Structural model and initial parameter values: the same as those in the CA task in the PKanalix project. If there is no model in the PKanalix project, then Monolix will use a default library model with oral or IV administration (matching the NCA settings), one compartment, and linear elimination.
Statistical model and tasks: default Monolix settings
Monolix opens at the “Statistical model and tasks” tab, and you can immediately click the “Run” button to estimate parameters and generate diagnostic plots.
Export to Simulx
Exporting a PKanalix project to Simulx creates a new Simulx project and automatically creates all elements useful for simulating the model. This consists of the following elements in the Definition tab:
Model, individual parameter estimates and output variables – imported from the CA task in PKanalix.
Occasions, covariates, treatments and regressors – imported from the dataset used in the PKanalix project.
Moreover, Simulx automatically creates exploration and simulation scenarios. The Exploration tab contains one group to explore effects of model parameters and treatments on a typical individual. The Simulation tab contains one group to re-simulate individuals from the PKanalix project. You will find more information about the imported elements and how to create new scenarios in the Simulx documentation webpage.
Share a PKanalix project
The 2024 version of MonolixSuite introduces a convenient method for sharing projects. Simply click on “Share Project” in the export menu, and a zip folder is generated containing all the required files to re-open the project (dataset, model for CA if not from library, pkx file, and result folder). By default, the suggested location for the zipped shared project is next to the project file, but this can be modified to any other location on the computer.