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Legacy Documentation

This page groups the legacy documentation of Lixoft products prior to release 2016R1.

Monolix methodology

  • Monolix methodology: this document describes the main algorithms for the tasks performed by Monolix.

Mlxtran syntax (for version prior to 2016R1) 

For software prior 2016R1, all the software do not share the same model coding language, i.e. the same Mlxtran language reference. Here are the several links to see the model coding language for

Tutorial and libraries

  • Mlxtran tutorial for Monolix 4.3: The following slidedeck provides a tutorial on how to easily describe simple and complex pharmacometric models, including PK, PK-PD and discrete data models, using the MLXTRAN language included in MONOLIX 4.3.

  • Lixoft is providing model libraries to simplify the use of its software. The mathematical expressions of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models implemented in MonolixSuite can be found here: PKPDlibrary.

Legacy user guides

To get the associated user guide, please click on the associated link




Legacy video for Monolix 433

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