Tasks and results
Monolix tasks
Monolix allows a workflow with several tasks.

On the interface, one can see six different tasks
POP. PARAM.: it corresponds to the estimation of the population parameters,
EBEs: it corresponds to the estimation of the individual parameters using the conditional mode, i.e. the most probable individual parameters.
CONDITIONAL DISTRIBUTION: It corresponds to the draws individual parameters based on the conditional distribution. It allows to compute the mean value of the conditional distribution.
STD. ERRORS.: it corresponds to the calculation of the Fisher information matrix and standard errors. Two methods are proposed for it. Either using the linearization method or using the stochastic approximation. The choice between those methods is done with the “Use linearization method” toggle under the tasks.
LIKELIHOOD: it corresponds to the explicit calculation of the log-likelihood. A specificity of the SAEM algorithm is that it does not explicitly compute the objective function. Thus, a dedicated task is proposed. Two methods are proposed for it. Either using the linearization method or using the importance sampling. The choice between those methods is done with the “Use linearization method” toggle under the tasks. This toogle is for both STD ERRORS and LIKELIHOOD tasks to be more relevant.
PLOTS: it corresponds to the generation of the plots.
Also, different types of results are available in the form of plots and tables. The tasks can be run individually by clicking on the associated button, or you can define a workflow by clicking on the tasks to run (on the small light blue checks) and click on the play button (in green) as proposed on the figure below.
Notice that you can initialize all the parameters and the associated methods in the “Initial Estimates” frame as described here.
Moreover, Monolix includes a convergence assessment tool. It is possible to execute a workflow as defined above but for different, randomly generated, initial values of fixed effects.
Monolix results
All the output files are detailed here.
Monolix-R functions
Monolix is has an API leading to the possibility to have access to the project exactly by the same way as you would do with the interface. All the functions are described here.