Single route of administration
Demos: bolusLinear_project, bolusMM_project, bolusMixed_project, infusion_project, oral1_project, oral0_project, sequentialOral0Oral1_project, simultaneousOral0Oral1_project, oralAlpha_project, oralTransitComp_project
Once a drug is administered, we usually describe subsequent processes within the organism by the pharmacokinetics (PK) process known as ADME: absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion. A PK model is a dynamical system mathematically represented by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which describes transfers between compartments and elimination from the central compartment.
Mlxtran is remarkably efficient for implementing simple and complex PK models:
The function
can be used for standard PK models. The model is defined according to the provided set of named arguments. Thepkmodel
function enables different parametrizations, different models of absorption, distribution and elimination, defined here and summarized in the following..Alternatively, PK macros can be used to define the different components of a compartmental model. Combining such PK components provide a high degree of flexibility for more complex PK models. They can also be combined with an ODE system.
A system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) can also be implemented very easily.
Note that the dataset is completely independent from the model: the same datset (with one dose line per actual dose) can be used to model a simple first-order absorption, transit compartments or a double absorption mechanism with two dose fractions going via different routes. In particular, we make a clear distinction between administration (related to the data) and absorption (related to the model).
We will first explain how the pkmodel macro works and then show examples of its usage.
The pkmodel function
The PK model is defined by the names of the input parameters of the pkmodel
function. These names are reserved keywords.
: Fraction of dose which is absorbedka
: absorption constant rate (first order absorption)or,
: absorption duration (zero order absorption)Tlag
: lag time before absorptionor,
Mtt, Ktr
: mean transit time & transit rate constant
: Volume of distribution of the central compartmentk12, k21
: Transfer rate constants between compartments 1 (central) & 2 (peripheral)or
V2, Q2
: Volume of compartment 2 (peripheral) & inter compartment clearance, between compartments 1 and 2,k13, k31
: Transfer rate constants between compartments 1 (central) & 3 (peripheral)or
V3, Q3
: Volume of compartment 3 (peripheral) & inter compartment clearance, between compartments 1 and 3.
: Elimination rate constantor
: ClearanceVm, Km
: Michaelis Menten elimination parameters
Effect compartment
: Effect compartment transfer rate constant
In the background, the pkmodel macro is replaced by the analytical solution (when it exists) or by the correspondin ODE system (when using Mtt,Ktr and/or Vm,Km).
Intravenous bolus injection
Linear elimination
A single iv bolus is administered at time 0 to each patient. The data file bolus1_data.txt
contains 4 columns: id, time, amt (the amount of drug in mg) and y (the measured concentration). After loading the dataset, the columns are automatically tagged by Monolix:

In this example, a row contains either a dose record (in which case y = "."
) or a observation record (in which case amt = "."
). Dose lines and Observation lines are detected automatically based on the dots "."
. We could equivalently use the data file bolus2_data.txt
which contains 2 additional columns: EVID
(in the green frame) and IGNORED OBSERVATION
(in the blue frame) to mark dose and observation lines:

Here, the EVENT ID column allows the identification of an event: EVID=1 means that this record describes a dose while EVID=0 means that this record contains an observed value.
On the other hand, the IGNORED OBSERVATION column enables to tag lines for which the information in the OBSERVATION column-type is missing. MDV=1 means that the observed value of this record should be ignored while MDV=0 means that this record contains an observed value. The two data files bolus1_data.txt and bolus2_data.txt contain exactly the same information and provide exactly the same results.
To model this dateset, we want to use a one compartment model with linear elimination. The ODE system of this model is:
Here, and
are, respectively, the amount and the concentration of drug in the central compartment at time t. When a dose
arrives in the central compartment at time
an iv bolus administration assumes that the amount of drug in the central
where (resp.
) is the amount of drug in the central compartment just before (resp. after)
. Parameters of this model are V and k. We therefore use the model
from the Monolix PK library:
input = {V, k}
Cc = pkmodel(V, k)
output = Cc
We could equivalently use the model bolusLinearMacro.txt
(click on the button Model and select the new PK model in the library 6.PK_models/model
input = {V, k}
compartment(cmt=1, amount=Ac)
elimination(cmt=1, k)
Cc = Ac/V
output = Cc
These two implementations generate exactly the same C++ code and then provide exactly the same results. Here, the ODE system is linear and Monolix uses its analytical solution. Of course, it is also possible (but not recommended with this model) to use the ODE based PK model bolusLinearODE.txt
input = {V, k}
depot(target = Ac)
ddt_Ac = - k*Ac
Cc = Ac/V
output = Cc
Results obtained with this model are slightly different from the ones obtained with the previous implementations since a numeric scheme is used here for solving the ODE. Moreover, the computation time is longer (between 3 and 4 time longer in that case) when using the ODE compared to the analytical solution. Individual fits obtained with this model look nice:

but the VPC show some misspecification in the elimination process:

Michaelis Menten elimination
A non linear elimination is used with this project:
This model is available in the Monolix PK library as bolus_1cpt_VVmKm
input = {V, Vm, Km}
Cc = pkmodel(V, Vm, Km)
output = Cc
Instead of this model, we could equivalently use PK macros with bolusNonLinearMacro.txt
from the library 6.PK_models/model
input = {V, Vm, Km}
compartment(cmt=1, amount=Ac, volume=V)
elimination(cmt=1, Vm, Km)
Cc = Ac/V
output = Cc
or an ODE with bolusNonLinearODE
input = {V, Vm, Km}
depot(target = Ac)
ddt_Ac = -Vm*Ac/(V*Km+Ac)
output = Cc
Results obtained with these three implementations are identical since no analytical solution is available for this non linear ODE. We can then check that this PK model seems to describe much better the elimination process of the data:

Mixed elimination
THe Monolix
PK library contains “standard” PK models. More complex models should be implemented by the user in a model file. For instance, we assume in this project that the elimination process is a combination of linear and nonlinear elimination processes:
This model is not available in the Monolix PK library. It is implemented in bolusMixed.txt
input = {V, k, Vm, Km}
depot(target = Ac)
ddt_Ac = -Vm*Ac/(V*Km+Ac) - k*Ac
output = Cc
This model, with a combined error model, seems to describe very well the data:

Intravenous infusion
Intravenous infusion assumes that the drug is administrated intravenously with a constant rate (infusion rate), during a given time (infusion time). Since the amount is the product of infusion rate and infusion time, an additional column INFUSION RATE or INFUSION DURATION is required in the data file: Monolix can use both indifferently. Data file infusion_rate_data.txt has an additional column rate:

It can be replaced by infusion_tinf_data.txt which contains exactly the same information:

We use with this project a 2 compartment model with non linear elimination and parameters ,
This model is available in the Monolix PK library as infusion_2cpt_V1QV2VmKm
input = {V1, Q, V2, Vm, Km}
V = V1
k12 = Q/V1
k21 = Q/V2
Cc = pkmodel(V, k12, k21, Vm, Km)
output = Cc
Oral administration
first-order absorption
This project uses the data file oral_data.txt
. For each patient, information about dosing is the time of administration and the amount. A one compartment model with first order absorption and linear elimination is used with this project. Parameters of the model are ka, V and Cl. we will then use model oral1_kaVCl.txt
from the Monolix
PK library
input = {ka, V, Cl}
Cc = pkmodel(ka, V, Cl)
output = Cc
Both the individual fits and the VPCs show that this model doesn’t describe the absorption process properly.

Many options for implementing this PK model with Mlxtran exists:
using PK macros: oralMacro.txt:
input = {ka, V, Cl}
compartment(cmt=1, amount=Ac)
oral(cmt=1, ka)
elimination(cmt=1, k=Cl/V)
output = Cc
using a system of two ODEs as in
input = {ka, V, Cl}
k = Cl/V
ddt_Ad = -ka*Ad
ddt_Ac = ka*Ad - k*Ac
Cc = Ac/V
output = Cc
combining PK macros and ODE as in
(macros are used for the absorption and ODE for the elimination):
input = {ka, V, Cl}
compartment(cmt=1, amount=Ac)
oral(cmt=1, ka)
k = Cl/V
ddt_Ac = - k*Ac
Cc = Ac/V
output = Cc
or equivalently, as in
input = {ka, V, Cl}
depot(target=Ac, ka)
k = Cl/V
ddt_Ac = - k*Ac
Cc = Ac/V<
output = Cc
Only models using the pkmodel function or PK macros use an analytical solution of the ODE system.
zero-order absorption
A one compartment model with zero order absorption and linear elimination is used to fit the same PK data with this project. Parameters of the model are Tk0, V and Cl. We will then use model oral0_1cpt_Tk0Vk.txt
from the Monolix PK library
input = {Tk0, V, Cl}
Cc = pkmodel(Tk0, V, Cl)
output = Cc

Implementing a zero-order absorption process using ODEs is not easy… on the other hand, it becomes extremely easy to implement using either the pkmodel
function or the PK macro oral(Tk0)
The duration of a zero-order absorption has nothing to do with an infusion time: it is a parameter of the PK model (exactly as the absorption rate constant ka for instance), it is not part of the data.
Sequential zero-order first-order absorption
More complex PK models can be implemented using Mlxtran
. A sequential zero-order first-order absorption process assumes that a fraction Fr
of the dose is first absorbed during a time Tk0
with a zero-order process, then, the remaining fraction is absorbed with a first-order process. This model is implemented in sequentialOral0Oral1.txt
using PK macros:
input = {Fr, Tk0, ka, V, Cl}
absorption(Tk0, p=Fr)
absorption(ka, Tlag=Tk0, p=1-Fr)
output = Cc
Both the individual fits and the VPCs show that this PK model describes very well the whole ADME process for the same PK data:

Simultaneous zero-order first-order absorption
A simultaneous zero-order first-order absorption process assumes that a fraction Fr
of the dose is absorbed with a zero-order process while the remaining fraction is absorbed simultaneously with a first-order process. This model is implemented in simultaneousOral0Oral1.txt
using PK macros:
input = {Fr, Tk0, ka, V, Cl}
absorption(Tk0, p=Fr)
absorption(ka, p=1-Fr)
output = Cc
alpha-order absorption
An -order absorption process assumes that the rate of absorption is proportional to some power of the amount of drug in the depot compartment:
This model is implemented in oralAlpha.txt
using ODEs:
input = {r, alpha, V, Cl}
depot(target = Ad)
dAd = Ad^alpha
ddt_Ad = -r*dAd
ddt_Ac = r*Ad - (Cl/V)*Ac
Cc = Ac/V
output = Cc
transit compartment model
A PK model with a transit compartment of transit rate Ktr and mean transit time Mtt can be implemented using the PK macro oral(ka, Mtt, Ktr)
, or using the pkmodel
function, as in oralTransitComp.txt
input = {Mtt, Ktr, ka, V, Cl}
Cc = pkmodel(Mtt, Ktr, ka, V, Cl)
output = Cc
Using different parametrizations
The PK macros and the function pkmodel
use some preferred parametrizations and some reserved names as input arguments: Tlag, ka, Tk0, V, Cl, k12, k21
. It is however possible to use another parametrization and/or other parameter names. As an example, consider a 2-compartment model for oral administration with a lag, a first order absorption and a linear elimination. We can use the pkmodel
function with, for instance, parameters ka, V, k, k12 and k21:
input = {ka, V, k, k12, k21}
Cc = pkmodel(ka, V, k, k12, k21)
output = Cc
Imagine now that we want i) to use the clearance Cl instead of the elimination rate constant k, ii) to use capital letters for the parameter names. We can still use the pkmodel function as follows:
input = {KA, V, CL, K12, K21}
Cc = pkmodel(ka=KA, V, k=CL/V, k12=K12, k21=K21)
output = Cc