External model editor
mlxEditor is an application to write, edit and organise models written in the mlxtran language. It has mlxtran dedicated features, such as syntax coloring, autocompletion and verification, and is integrated with Monolix, Simulx and PKanalix for easier model development.

Main functions:
Writing models in the mlxtran language.
Editing user custom models and models from the Monolix library, which is integrated with the application.
Editing models directly in the GUI: Monolix (tab: Structural model), Simulx (Tab: Definition/Model) and PKanalix (tab: Model, CA).
Managing models in work sessions.
Main features:
Mlxtran syntax coloring for different model elements, such as block definition, parameters, macros.
Autocompletion for variables, mlxtran keywords, functions (tab-key accepts a selected item).
Find and Find&Replace.
Zoom in/out to increase/decrease the font size.
Syntax check to verify if the mlxtran code is correct and a model can be loaded in Monolix or Simulx.
In the mlxEditor application:
Access to the Monolix libraries,
Monolix and Simulx syntax check,
Save and export to Simulx,
Sessions: collections of models that can be reloaded automatically.
In the GUI edit mode:
Several saving options: Save & apply – saves the model under the same name (overwrites the previous model) and applies it to the current project, Save as & apply – saves the model under a different name and applies it to the current project, Save as – saves the model under a different name without applying to the current project.
Zoom applied in the edition model remains in the “Tab: Structural model” after closing the edition mode.