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Webinar recordings

From NONMEM to MONOLIX. Your Step-by-Step Guide for an Easy Transition

This tutorial video covers all the topics necessary for translating a model from NONMEM to Monolix, and how to adapt a modeling habits to the way Monolix works. This includes: differences in terms of dataset format, model definition, algorithm settings, and overall workflow. It is based on the step-by-step translation of example NONMEM control streams taken from the literature.

Optimizing Sample Size of a Phase III trial

What if we could reduce the size of a phase III study from 400 to 80 subjects and make it twice as short? Thanks to model-informed clinical trial design, it's possible! Watch this inspiring story based on real-world case study data and learn about Simulx at the same time. In an hour, we will take you from the modeling of phase II studies in Monolix to the estimation of a phase III study power in Simulx to finally optimizing sample size and study duration.

New Library of Tumor Growth Inhibition Models in Monolix

In this webinar from March 2021, we present the new modular library of tumor growth inhibition models implemented in MonolixSuite 2020R1. This webinar includes an introduction of the different models available in the library, detailed guidelines to choose your model based on the shape of your data, and short real-world examples.

Setting up a simulation from scratch in Simulx

No matter how you have developed your population PK/PD or QSP model, Simulx-GUI is an intuitive, flexible and powerful application to simulate new situations and answer "what if" questions. In this webinar, we explain how to setup a simulation from scratch by defining the model, parameters, treatments and outputs. A special focus will be given on the model writing in mlxtran language, with examples of translations from Nonmem and literature models.

From Monolix to Simulx: how to explore new scenarios

In this webinar you will learn how to use Simulx with Monolix projects and you will discover features that bring the best insight from simulations. To build your confidence you will see step-by-step how to simulate different groups, define target outcomes and assess the uncertainty.

QSP modeling with MonolixSuite

This is an introduction to quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP).

Session 1 is a step-by-step case study for an FAAH inhibitor highlighting the typical workflow. It covers model implementation in Mlxtran language, parameter estimation in Monolix, and model simulation to perform predictions in Simulx. Sensitivity analysis and profile likelihood methods are also presented.

The second session focuses on the development of a model for a cholesterol-lowering anti-PCSK9 drug. Three different models of varying complexity (typical PK/PD, mechanistic PK/PD and QSP) are developed and compared in terms of prediction capabilities and ease of use.

Session 1:

Session 2:

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