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Mini Case Studies


Time-varying clearance youtube-512.webp In this mini-case study, we show step-by-step how to write phenomenological and mechanistic models in mlxtran language to capture the time-varying clearance of an example data set.

Implementing a dose-dependent bioavailability youtube-512.webp In this mini-case study, we show step-by-step how to implement models in mlxtran language to capture the dose-dependent bioavailability of an example data set.

Writing a model for urine data youtube-512.webp Did you know that Monolix can handle urine data? Discover how to format your data and write a urine model in this mini case study!

Proportional hazard models youtube-512.webp This video explains how proportional hazard models can be implemented in Monolix.


Understanding flip-flop kinetics youtube-512.webp Wondering what flip-flop kinetics really is and its consequences on NCA and popPK modeling? This mini case study explains it step-by-step with several examples.

Calculating PK/PD parameters for an antibiotic youtube-512.webp This case study shows the step-by-step modeling and simulation workflow for an antibiotic, in order to find the dosing regimen that optimizes the bacterial killing. PK/PD parameters such as Cmax/MIC, T above MIC and AUC/MIC will be calculated.


Advanced VPC: effect of censored data and dropout youtube-512.webp If there are missing observations in your dataset, for example because of missing censored data or non-random dropout, chances are that the VPC is biased. This advanced understanding of the VPC is explained in this mini case-study, along with approaches to correct the bias with the MonolixSuite.

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