[Monolix - PKanalix - Simulx] Set scenario
Clear the current scenario and build a new one from a given list of tasks.
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A list of tasks as previously defined
A scenario is a list of tasks to be run by runScenario. Setting the scenario is equivalent to selecting tasks in Monolix, PKanalix or Simulx
GUI that will be performed when clicking on RUN.
For Monolix, setScenario requires a given list of tasks, the linearization option and the list of plots.
Every task in the list should be associated to a logical
NOTE: by default the logical is FALSE, thus, the user can only state what will run during the scenario.
NOTE: Within a MONOLIX scenario, the order according to which the different algorithms are run is fixed:
Algorithm | Algorithm Keyword |
Population Parameter Estimation | "populationParameterEstimation" |
Conditional Mode Estimation (EBEs) | "conditionalModeEstimation" |
Sampling from the Conditional Distribution | "conditionalDistributionSampling" |
Standard Error and Fisher Information Matrix Estimation | "standardErrorEstimation" |
LogLikelihood Estimation | "logLikelihoodEstimation" |
Plots | "plots" |
For PKanalix, setScenario requires a given list of tasks.
Every task in the list should be associated to a logical
NOTE: By default the logical is FALSE, thus, the user can only state what will run during the scenario.
NOTE: Within a PKanalix scenario, the order according to which the different algorithms are run is fixed:
Algorithm | Algorithm keyword |
Non Compartmental Analysis | "nca" |
Bioequivalence estimation | "be" |
For Simulx, setScenario requires a given list of tasks.
Every task in the list should be associated to a logical
NOTE: By default the logical is FALSE, thus, the user can only state what will run during the scenario.
NOTE: Within a Simulx scenario, the order according to which the different algorithms are run is fixed:
Algorithm | Algorithm keyword |
Simulation | "simulation" |
Outcomes and endpoints | "endpoints" |
Note: every task can also be run separately with a specific function, such as runSimulation in Simulx,
in Monolix. The CA task in PKanalix cannot be part of a scenario, it must be run with runCAEstimation