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Set the value of one or more of the population parameter estimation settings for the current project.
Associated settings are:

nbBurningIterations(integer >= 0)Number of iterations for the burn-in phase.
nbExploratoryIterations(integer >= 0)
If exploratoryAutoStop is set to FALSE, the number of iterations in the exploratory phase. Otherwise, if exploratoryAutoStop is set to TRUE, the maximum number of iterations in the exploratory phase.exploratoryAutoStop
(logical)Should the exploratory phase stop automatically
exploratoryInterval(integer > 0)Minimum number of iterations in the exploratory phase. Used only if exploratoryAutoStop is TRUE.
exploratoryAlpha(0 <= double <= 1)
Convergence memory in the exploratory phase. Used only if exploratoryAutoStop is TRUE.nbSmoothingIterations
(integer >= 0)If smoothingAutoStop is set to FALSE, the number of iterations in the smoothing phase. Otherwise, if smoothingAutoStop is set to TRUE, the maximum number of iterations in the smoothing phase.
smoothingAutoStop(logical)Should the smoothing phase stop automatically.
smoothingInterval(integer > 0)
Minimum number of iteration in the smoothing phase. Used only if smoothingAutoStop is TRUE.smoothingAlpha
(0.5 < double <= 1)Convergence memory in the smoothing phase. Used only if smoothingAutoStop is TRUE.
smoothingRatio(0 < double < 1)Width of the confidence interval for smoothing. Used only if smoothingAutoStop is TRUE.
Should simulated annealing be used.tauOmega
(double > 0)Proportional rate on variance. Used only if simulatedAnnealing is TRUE.
tauErrorModel(double > 0)Proportional rate on error model. Used only if simulatedAnnealing is TRUE.
Estimation method for parameters without variability: "firstStage", "decreasing", or "none". Used only if there are parameters without variability in the project.nbOptimizationIterations
(integer >= 1)Number of optimization iterations.
optimizationTolerance(double > 0)Tolerance for optimization.





A collection of comma-separated pairs (settingName = SettingValue).


loadProject(file.path(getDemoPath(), "1.creating_and_using_models", "1.1.libraries_of_models", "theophylline_project.mlxtran"))

setPopulationParameterEstimationSettings(exploratoryAutoStop = TRUE, nbexploratoryiterations = 200)
#> $exploratoryautostop
#> [1] TRUE
#> $smoothingautostop
#> [1] TRUE
#> $nbburningiterations
#> [1] 5
#> $nbexploratoryiterations
#> [1] 200
#> $nbsmoothingiterations
#> [1] 200
#> $simulatedannealing
#> [1] TRUE
#> $exploratoryalpha
#> [1] 0
#> $smoothingalpha
#> [1] 0.7
#> $exploratoryinterval
#> [1] 150
#> $smoothinginterval
#> [1] 50
#> $smoothingratio
#> [1] 0.1
#> $variability
#> [1] "none"
#> $tauomega
#> [1] 0.95
#> $tauerrormodel
#> [1] 0.95
#> $nboptimizationiterations
#> [1] 20
#> $optimizationtolerance
#> [1] 1e-04

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