[Monolix] Set population parameter estimation settings
Set the value of one or more of the population parameter estimation settings for the current project.
Associated settings are:
nbBurningIterations | (integer >= 0) | Number of iterations for the burn-in phase. |
nbExploratoryIterations | (integer >= 0) | |
If exploratoryAutoStop is set to FALSE ,
the number of iterations in the exploratory phase. Otherwise, if exploratoryAutoStop is set to TRUE ,
the maximum number of iterations in the exploratory phase. | exploratoryAutoStop | |
(logical) | Should the exploratory phase stop automatically | |
exploratoryInterval | (integer > 0) | Minimum number of iterations in the exploratory phase.
Used only if exploratoryAutoStop is TRUE . |
exploratoryAlpha | (0 <= double <= 1) | |
Convergence memory in the exploratory phase.
Used only if exploratoryAutoStop is TRUE . | nbSmoothingIterations | |
(integer >= 0) | If smoothingAutoStop is set to FALSE ,
the number of iterations in the smoothing phase. Otherwise, if smoothingAutoStop is set to TRUE ,
the maximum number of iterations in the smoothing phase. | |
smoothingAutoStop | (logical) | Should the smoothing phase stop automatically. |
smoothingInterval | (integer > 0) | |
Minimum number of iteration in the smoothing phase.
Used only if smoothingAutoStop is TRUE . | smoothingAlpha | |
(0.5 < double <= 1) | Convergence memory in the smoothing phase.
Used only if smoothingAutoStop is TRUE . | |
smoothingRatio | (0 < double < 1) | Width of the confidence interval for smoothing.
Used only if smoothingAutoStop is TRUE . |
simulatedAnnealing | (logical) | |
Should simulated annealing be used. | tauOmega | |
(double > 0) | Proportional rate on variance.
Used only if simulatedAnnealing is TRUE . | |
tauErrorModel | (double > 0) | Proportional rate on error model.
Used only if simulatedAnnealing is TRUE . |
variability | (character) | |
Estimation method for parameters without variability:
"firstStage" , "decreasing" , or "none" .
Used only if there are parameters without variability in the project. | nbOptimizationIterations | |
(integer >= 1) | Number of optimization iterations. | |
optimizationTolerance | (double > 0) | Tolerance for optimization. |
- ...
A collection of comma-separated pairs (settingName = SettingValue).
loadProject(file.path(getDemoPath(), "1.creating_and_using_models", "1.1.libraries_of_models", "theophylline_project.mlxtran"))
setPopulationParameterEstimationSettings(exploratoryAutoStop = TRUE, nbexploratoryiterations = 200)
#> $exploratoryautostop
#> [1] TRUE
#> $smoothingautostop
#> [1] TRUE
#> $nbburningiterations
#> [1] 5
#> $nbexploratoryiterations
#> [1] 200
#> $nbsmoothingiterations
#> [1] 200
#> $simulatedannealing
#> [1] TRUE
#> $exploratoryalpha
#> [1] 0
#> $smoothingalpha
#> [1] 0.7
#> $exploratoryinterval
#> [1] 150
#> $smoothinginterval
#> [1] 50
#> $smoothingratio
#> [1] 0.1
#> $variability
#> [1] "none"
#> $tauomega
#> [1] 0.95
#> $tauerrormodel
#> [1] 0.95
#> $nboptimizationiterations
#> [1] 20
#> $optimizationtolerance
#> [1] 1e-04