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Get all the elements used in simulation setup: content of simulation groups and simulation settings.
The output is a list of:

  • simulationGroups is a table of the elements selected in the simulation groups, with one simulation group per column. To add a simulation group, use addGroup. To remove a simulation group, use removeGroup. To add or change a group element, use setGroupElement. To change the number of simulated individuals in a group, use setGroupSize.

  • nbReplicates is the number of simulation replicates. To change the number of replicates, use setNbReplicates.

  • samplingMethod is the sampling method used for the simulation (keepOrder, withReplacement or withoutReplacement). To change the sampling method, use setSamplingMethod.

  • sharedIds corresponds to element types that will share the same individuals in the simulation. To change this, use setSharedIds.

  • sameIndividualsAmongGroups is a Boolean. If TRUE, the same individual parameters are sampled in all groups. TO change this setting, use setSameIndividualsAmongGroups.





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