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Installation instructions


Using Rsmlx requires installing MonolixSuite as well as the lixoftConnectors R package included with MonolixSuite. Follow these steps:

  1. Install MonolixSuite

  2. Install lixoftConnectors dependencies (RJSONIO, ggplot2, and gridExtra)

  3. Install lixoftConnectors

  4. Install Rsmlx


  • Rsmlx 2024.1 is compatible with MonolixSuite 2024R1.

  • Rsmlx 2023.1 is compatible with MonolixSuite 2023R1, 2021R2 and 2021R1.

  • Versions of MonolixSuite prior to 2021R1 are not supported. 

Install Rsmlx

Install Rsmlx from CRAN:


The development version of Rsmlx can be installed from GitHub:


See the release notes for more details on the current versions of Rsmlx on CRAN and GitHub.

Download the demo examples

Download the R scripts and Monolix projects used for the user guide:

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