[Monolix - PKanalix - Simulx] Get project preferences
Get a summary of the project preferences. Preferences are:
"relativepath" | (logical) | Use relative path for save/load operations. |
"threads" | (integer > 0) | Number of threads. |
"temporarydirectory" | (character) | Path to the directory used to save temporary files. |
"usebinarydataset" | (logical) | Save dataset as binary file to speed project reload up. |
"timestamping" | (logical) | Create an archive containing result files after each run. |
"delimiter" | (character) | Character use as delimiter in exported result files. |
"reportingrenamings" | (list("label" = "alias">)) | For each label, an alias to be use at report generation (using generateReport ). |
"exportchartsdata" | (logical) | Should charts data be exported. |
"savebinarychartsdata" | (logical) | [Monolix] Save charts simulations as binray file to speed charts creation up. |
"exportchartsdatasets" | (logical) | [Monolix] Should charts datasets be exported if possible. |
"exportvpcsimulations" | (logical) | [Monolix] Should vpc simulations be exported if possible. |
"exportsimulationfiles" | (logical) | [Simulx] Should simulation results files be exported. |
"headeraliases" | (list("header" = vector)) | For each header, the list of the recognized aliases. |
"ncaparameters" | (vector) | [PKanalix] Defaulty computed NCA parameters. |
"units" | (list("type" = character) | [PKanalix] Time, amount and/or volume units. |
- ...
[optional] (character) Name of the preference whose value should be displayed. If no argument is provided, all the preferences are returned.
A list with each preference name mapped to its current value.
if (FALSE) {
getPreferences() # retrieve a list of all the general settings
# retrieve only the imageFormat and exportCharts settings values