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Get a summary of the project preferences. Preferences are:

"relativepath"(logical)Use relative path for save/load operations.
"threads"(integer > 0)Number of threads.
"temporarydirectory"(character)Path to the directory used to save temporary files.
"usebinarydataset"(logical)Save dataset as binary file to speed project reload up.
"timestamping"(logical)Create an archive containing result files after each run.
"delimiter"(character)Character use as delimiter in exported result files.
"reportingrenamings"(list("label" = "alias">))For each label, an alias to be use at report generation (using generateReport).
"exportchartsdata"(logical)Should charts data be exported.
"savebinarychartsdata"(logical)[Monolix] Save charts simulations as binray file to speed charts creation up.
"exportchartsdatasets"(logical)[Monolix] Should charts datasets be exported if possible.
"exportvpcsimulations"(logical)[Monolix] Should vpc simulations be exported if possible.
"exportsimulationfiles"(logical)[Simulx] Should simulation results files be exported.
"headeraliases"(list("header" = vector))For each header, the list of the recognized aliases.
"ncaparameters"(vector)[PKanalix] Defaulty computed NCA parameters.
"units"(list("type" = character)[PKanalix] Time, amount and/or volume units.





[optional] (character) Name of the preference whose value should be displayed. If no argument is provided, all the preferences are returned.


A list with each preference name mapped to its current value.


if (FALSE) {
getPreferences() # retrieve a list of all the general settings

# retrieve only the imageFormat and exportCharts settings values
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