[Monolix - PKanalix] Define Preferences to customize plots
Define the preferences to customize plots.
getPlotPreferences(plotName = NULL, update = NULL, ...)
- plotName
(character) Name of the plot function. if plotName is NULL, all preferences are returned
- update
list containing the plot elements to be updated.
- ...
additional arguments - dataType for some plots
A list with theme specifiers
This function creates a theme that customizes how a plot looks, i.e. legend, colors fills, transparencies, linetypes an sizes, etc. For each curve, list of available customizations:
color: color (when lines or points)
fill: color (when surfaces)
opacity: color transparency
radius: size of points
shape: shape of points
lineType: linetype
lineWidth: line size
legend: name of the legend (if NULL, no legend is displayed for the element)
See also
if (FALSE) {
preferences <- getPlotPreferences(update = list(
obs = list(color = "red", legend = "Observations"),
obsCens = list(color = rgb(70, 130, 180, maxColorValue = 255))
# preferences that are used by default in the plots
preferences <- getPlotPreferences()
# preferences that are used by default in plotObservedData
preferences <- getPlotPreferences(plotName = "plotObservedData")