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Get the settings associated to the non compartmental analysis. Associated settings are:

"obsidtouse"(character)The observation id from data section to use for computations
list(key = "admId", value = character("intravenous" or "extravascular")). admId Admninistration ID from data set or 1 if no admId column in the dataset."integralMethod"
(character)Method for AUC and AUMC calculation and interpolation. Possible outputs are Possible methods are "linTrapLinInterp" (linear trapezoidal linear), "linLogTrapLinLogInterp" (linear log trapezoidal), "upDownTrapUpDownInterp" (linear up log down ) and "linTrapLinLogInterp" (linear trapezoidal linear/log).
"partialAucTime"(list)The first element of the list is a bolean describing if this setting is used. The second element of the list is a list of the values of the bounds of the partial AUC calculation intervals.
The first element of the list is a logical describing if this setting is used. The second element of the list is a number defining the interdose interval."blqMethodBeforeTmax"
(character)Method by which the BLQ data before Tmax should be replaced.
"blqMethodAfterTmax"(character)Method by which the BLQ data after Tmax should be replaced.
The first element of the list is a logical describing if this setting is used. The second element of the list is the value of the adjusted R2 acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z."extrapAucAcceptanceCriteria"
(list)The first element of the list is a logical describing if this setting is used. The second element of the list is the value of the AUC extrapolation acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z.
"spanAcceptanceCriteria"(list)The first element of the list is a logical describing if this setting is used. The second element of the list is the value of the span acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z.
Main rule for the lambda_Z estimation."timeInterval"
(vector)Time interval for the lambda_Z estimation when "lambdaRule" = "interval".
"timeValuesPerId"(list)list("idName" = idTimes,...): idTimes Observation times to use for the calculation of lambda_Z for the id idName.
Number of points for the lambda_Z estimation when "lambdaRule" = "points"."maxNbOfPoints"
(list)The first element of the list is a logical describing if this setting is used. The second element of the list is the value maximum number of points to use for the lambda_Z estimation when "lambdaRule" = "R2" or "adjustedR2".
"startTimeNotBefore"(list)The first element of the list is a logical describing if this setting is used. The second element of the list is the value minimum time value to use for the lambda_Z estimation when "lambdaRule" = "R2" or "adjustedR2".
Weighting method used for the regression that estimates lambda_Z."computedNCAParameters"
(vector)All the parameters to compute during the analysis.
"sparse"(logical)If the data should be considered sparse, and hence NCA should run on the mean profiles.
The covariates that should be used to stratify the mean profiles for sparse NCA."sparseCensoring"
(list)The censoring settings to apply to calculate the mean profiles for sparse NCA in case of censored data (see setNCASettings for more details).





[optional] (character) Name of the settings whose value should be displayed. If no argument is provided, all the settings are returned.


A list with each setting name mapped to its current value.

See also


if (FALSE) {
getNCASettings() # retrieve a list of all the NCA methodology settings
getNCASettings("lambdaRule","integralMethod") # retrieve a list containing only the value of the settings whose name has been passed in argument
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