[PKanalix] Get NCA individual parameters
Get the estimated values for each subject of some of the individual NCA parameters of the current project.
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(character) Name of the individual parameters whose values must be displayed. Possible parameters:
parameters related to the calculation of lambda_z: "Rsq", "Rsq_adjusted", "Corr_XY", "No_points_lambda_z", "Lambda_z", "Lambda_z_lower", "Lambda_z_upper", "HL_Lambda_z", "Lambda_z_intercept", "Span"
parameters calculated in case of plasma data: "Tlag", "T0", "Dose", "N_Samples", "C0", "Tmax", "Cmax", "Cmax_D", "Tlast", "Clast", "AUClast", "AUClast_D", "AUMClast", "MRTlast", "MRTlast", "AUCall", "AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_D_obs", "AUC_PerCentExtrap_obs", "AUC_PerCentBack_Ext_obs", "AUMCINF_obs", "AUMC_PerCentExtrap_obs", "MRTINF_obs", "MRTINF_obs", "Vz_F_obs", "Cl_F_obs", "Vz_obs", "Cl_obs", "Vss_obs", "Clast_pred", "AUCINF_pred", "AUCINF_D_pred", "AUC_PerCentExtrap_pred", "AUC_PerCentBack_Ext_pred", "AUMCINF_pred", "AUMC_PerCentExtrap_pred", "MRTINF_pred", "MRTINF_pred", "Vz_F_pred", "Cl_F_pred", "Vz_pred", "Cl_pred", "Vss_pred"
parameters calculated in case of plasma data if partial AUC calculation intervals are provided through the partialAucTime: "AUC_lower_upper", "AUC_lower_upper_D", "CAVG_lower_upper"
parameters calculated only for multiple dose data: "Tau", "Ctau", "Ctrough", "AUC_TAU", "AUC_TAU_D", "AUC_TAU_PerCentExtrap", "AUMC_TAU", "Vz_F", "Vz", "CLss_F", "CLss", "Cavg", "FluctuationPerCent", "FluctuationPerCent_Tau", "Accumulation_Index", "Swing", "Swing_Tau", "Tmin", "Cmin", "Cmax", "MRTINF_obs"
parameters calculated in case of urine data: "T0", "Dose", "N_Samples", "Tlag", "Tmax_Rate", "Max_Rate", "Mid_Pt_last", "Rate_last", "AURC_last", "AURC_last_D", "Vol_UR", "Amount_Recovered", "Percent_Recovered", "AURC_all", "AURC_INF_obs", "AURC_PerCentExtrap_obs", "AURC_INF_pred", "AURC_PerCentExtrap_pred", "AURC_lower_upper", "Rate_last_pred"
parameters calculated in case of urine data if partial AUC calculation intervals are provided through the partialAucTime: "AURC_lower_upper", "AURC_lower_upper_D"
A data frame giving the estimated values of the individual parameters of interest for each subject, and a list of information relative to these parameters (units & CDISC names)