Get the name of a library model given a list of library filters.
getLibraryModelName(library, filters = list())
- library
(character) One of the MonolixSuite library of models. Possible values are "pk", "pd", "pkpd", "pkdoubleabs", "pm", "tmdd", "tte", "count" and "tgi".
- filters
(list(name = character)) Named list of filters (optional), format: list(filterKey = "filterValue", ...). Default empty list. Since available filters are not in any particular order, filterKey should always be stated.
Name of the filtered model, or vector of names of the available models if not all filters were selected. Names start with "lib:".
Models can be loaded from a library based on a selection of filters as in PKanalix, Monolix and Simulx GUI. For a complete description of each model library, and guidelines on how to select models, please visit
getLibraryModelName enables to get the name of the model to be loaded. You can then use it in setStructuralModel
or newProject
to load the model in an existing or in a new project.
All possible keys and values for each of the libraries are listed below.
PK library
key | | values |
administration | | bolus, infusion, oral, oralBolus |
delay | | noDelay, lagTime, transitCompartments |
absorption | | zeroOrder, firstOrder |
distribution | | 1compartment, 2compartments, 3compartments |
elimination | | linear, MichaelisMenten |
parametrization | | rate, clearance, hybridConstants |
bioavailability | | true, false |
PD library
key | | values |
response | | immediate, turnover |
drugAction | | linear, logarithmic, quadratic, Emax, Imax, productionInhibition, |
| | degradationInhibition, degradationStimulation, productionStimulation |
baseline | | const, 1-exp, exp, linear, null |
inhibition | | partialInhibition, fullInhibition |
sigmoidicity | | true, false |
PKPD library
key | | values |
administration | | bolus, infusion, oral, oralBolus |
delay | | noDelay, lagTime, transitCompartments |
absorption | | zeroOrder, firstOrder |
distribution | | 1compartment, 2compartments, 3compartments |
elimination | | linear, MichaelisMenten |
parametrization | | rate, clearance |
bioavailability | | true, false |
response | | direct, effectCompartment, turnover |
drugAction | | Emax, Imax, productionInhibition, degradationInhibition, |
| | degradationStimulation, productionStimulation |
baseline | | const, null |
inhibition | | partialInhibition, fullInhibition |
sigmoidicity | | true, false |
PK double absorption library
key | | values |
firstAbsorption | | zeroOrder, firstOrder |
firstDelay | | noDelay, lagTime, transitCompartments |
secondAbsorption | | zeroOrder, firstOrder |
secondDelay | | noDelay, lagTime, transitCompartments |
absorptionOrder | | simultaneous, sequential |
forceLongerDelay | | true, false |
distribution | | 1compartment, 2compartments, 3compartments |
elimination | | linear, MichaelisMenten |
parametrization | | rate, clearance |
key | | values |
administration | | bolus, infusion, oral, oralBolus |
firstPassEffect | | noFirstPassEffect, withDoseApportionment, |
| | withoutDoseApportionment |
delay | | noDelay, lagTime, transitCompartments |
absorption | | zeroOrder, firstOrder |
transformation | | unidirectional, bidirectional |
parametrization | | rate, clearance |
parentDistribution | | 1compartment, 2compartments, 3compartments |
parentElimination | | linear, MichaelisMenten |
metaboliteDistribution | | 1compartment, 2compartments, 3compartments |
metaboliteElimination | | linear, MichaelisMenten |
TMDD library
key | | values |
administration | | bolus, infusion, oral, oralBolus |
delay | | noDelay, lagTime, transitCompartments |
absorption | | zeroOrder, firstOrder |
distribution | | 1compartment, 2compartments, 3compartments |
tmddApproximation | | MichaelisMenten, QE, QSS, full, Wagner, |
| | constantRtot, constantRtotIB, irreversibleBinding |
output | | totalLigandLtot, freeLigandL |
parametrization | | rate, clearance |
TTE library
key | | values |
tteModel | | exponential, Weibull, Gompertz, loglogistic, |
| | uniform, gamma, generalizedGamma |
delay | | true, false |
numberOfEvents | | singleEvent, repeatedEvents |
typeOfEvent | | intervalCensored, exact |
dummyParameter | | true, false |
Count library
key | | values |
countDistribution | | Poisson, binomial, negativeBinomial, betaBinomial, |
| | generalizedPoisson, geometric, hypergeometric, |
| | logarithmic, Bernoulli |
zeroInflation | | true, false |
timeEvolution | | constant, linear, exponential, Emax, Hill |
parametrization | | probabilityOfSuccess, averageNumberOfCounts |
TGI library
key | | values |
shortcut | | ClaretExponential, Simeoni, Stein, Wang, |
| | Bonate, Ribba, twoPopulation |
initialTumorSize | | asParameter, asRegressor |
kinetics | | true, false |
model | | linear, quadratic, exponential, generalizedExponential, |
| | exponentialLinear, Simeoni, Koch, logistic, |
| | generalizedLogistic, SimeoniLogisticHybrid, Gompertz, |
| | exponentialGompertz, vonBertalanffy, generalizedVonBertalanffy |
additionalFeature | | none, angiogenesis, immuneDynamics |
treatment | | none, pkModel, exposureAsRegressor, startAtZero, |
| | startTimeAsRegressor, armAsRegressor |
killingHypothesis | | logKill, NortonSimon |
dynamics | | firstOrder, MichaelisMenten, MichaelisMentenHill, |
| | exponentialKill, constant |
resistance | | ClaretExponential, resistantCells, none |
delay | | signalDistribution, cellDistribution, none |
additionalTreatmentEffect | | none, angiogenesisInhibition, immuneEffectorDecay |
if (FALSE) {
getLibraryModelName(library = "pk", filters = list(administration = "oral", delay = "lagTime", absorption = "firstOrder", distribution = "1compartment", elimination = "linear", parametrization = "clearance"))
# returns "lib:oral1_1cpt_TlagkaVCl.txt"
getLibraryModelName("pd", list(response = "turnover", drugAction = "productionStimulation"))
# returns c("lib:turn_input_Emax.txt", "lib:turn_input_gammaEmax.txt")