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Get a list of the tasks which have available results.




A list with items:

  • populationParameterEstimation: TRUE if the "Population Parameters" task has been run and has results, FALSE otherwise. To run this task, use runPopulationParameterEstimation.

  • conditionalDistributionSampling: TRUE if the "Conditional Distribution" task has been run and has results, FALSE otherwise. To run this task, use runConditionalDistributionSampling.

  • conditionalModeEstimation: TRUE if the "EBEs" task has been run and has results, FALSE otherwise. To run this task, use runConditionalModeEstimation.

  • standardErrorEstimation: character vector containing "linearization" and/or "stochasticApproximation" if the "Standard Errors" task has been run with linearization and/or stochastic approximation method and has results, FALSE otherwise. To run this task, use runStandardErrorEstimation.

  • logLikelihoodEstimation: character vector containing "linearization" and/or "importanceSampling" if the "Likelihood" task has been run with linearization and/or importance sampling method and has results, FALSE otherwise. To run this task, use runLogLikelihoodEstimation.

  • plots: TRUE (because there are always at least Observed Data plots).


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