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Get the values computed by using a log-likelihood algorithm during the last scenario run, with or without a method-based filter.
WARNING: The log-likelihood values cannot be accessible until the log-likelihood algorithm has been launched once.
The user can choose to display only the log-likelihood values computed with a specific method.
Existing log-likelihood methods :

Log-likelihood by Linearization"linearization"
Log-likelihood by Important Sampling"importanceSampling"

WARNING: Only the methods which have been used during the last scenario run can provide results.


getEstimatedLogLikelihood(method = "")



[optional](character) Log-likelihood method whose results should be displayed. If this field is not specified, the results provided by all the methods used during the last scenario run are retrieved.


A list associating the name of each method passed in argument to the corresponding log-likelihood values computed by during the last scenario run.


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