[Monolix] Get the results of boostrap
Get the results of boostrap.
getBootstrapResults(removeFailedRuns = FALSE)
- removeFailedRuns
[logical] if TRUE, bootstrap runs with failed convergence (maximum number of iterations reached before triggering of the autostop criterion) are removed from the results (default=FALSE). If all bootstrap runs have a failed convergence, the result is NULL.
The results of boostrap as a list of dataframes:
populationEstimates: the population parameters estimated in all bootstrap runs
populationSummary: the summary table of population parameter estimates
logLikelihoodEstimates: if logLikelihood=TRUE in the bootstrap settings, the log-likelihood (OFV) and information criteria estimated in all bootstrap runs
logLikelihoodSummary: if logLikelihood=TRUE in the bootstrap settings, the summary table of the OFV and information criteria
standardErrorsEstimates: if standardErrors=TRUE in the bootstrap settings, the relative standard errors of population parameters estimated in all bootstrap runs
standardErrorsSummary: if standardErrors=TRUE in the bootstrap settings, the summary table of relative standard errors
See also
if (FALSE) {
# get bootstrap results using all runs
# get bootstrap results using only runs that converged (during the population parameter estimation, the autostop criterion was triggered before reaching the maximum number of iterations)