[PKanalix] Create a new NCA parameter as a formula of existing parameters
Create a new NCA parameter as a formula of existing parameters and covariates. Available arguments:
"name" | (character, required) | Name of the parameter. |
"formula" | (character, required) | Formula used to calculate the parameter. This mathematical expression can contain PKanalix names of parameters (including partial AUCs, but excluding other custom parameters), names of covariates, operators +, -, /, * and ^, parentheses and functions abs, sqrt, exp, log, log10, logit, invlogit, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, floor, ceil, factorial, min, max, atan2, rem. Partial AUC parameters with non-integer times need to be specifically formatted (e.g., AUC_0_24.5 becomes AUC_0_24d5 and AUC_0_1e-07 becomes AUC_0_1em07). |
"alias" | (character, optional) | Stylized name of the parameter that will be displayed in results. Can contain tags and for subscript and superscript. |
"unit" | (character, optional) | Units of the parameter. It can contain substrings TIME, AMOUNT, VOLUME, CONC, GRADING to use data set units of time, dose amount, volume, concentration and normalization units. Different units should be combined with the character ".", and "^-1" can be used. |
"previousName" | (character, optional) | Should be used only when editing an existing custom parameter. In that case the previous parameter is replaced with the new parameter. |
"addToPreferences" | (logical, optional) | Whether to add the custom NCA parameter to PKanalix preferences (default=FALSE). |
alias = "",
unit = "",
addToPreferences = FALSE,
previousName = ""
formula = "Cl_F_obs/WEIGHT",
alias = "CL/kg",
unit = "VOLUME.TIME^-1.KG^1",
addToPreferences = FALSE)