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Bayesian individual dynamics predictions

This partial example corresponds to Bayesian individual dynamic predictions with uncertainty. This is what it does:

  • estimates population parameters for a model,

  • fixes the population parameters to the estimates,

  • changes the dataset for another, that can be filtered up to some landmark time,

  • runs the task Conditional distribution that samples sets of parameters from the individual posterior distributions,

  • simulates the model based on the sampled parameters with Simulx.

initializeLixoftConnectors(software = "monolix")

loadProject(projectFile = "path_to_projet_file.mlxtran")

# set pop params to estimates and fix pop params
popparams <- getPopulationParameterInformation()
popparams$method <- "FIXED"

# here the data can be modified in the project to take into account data until landmark time
filtereddatfile <- "path to data filtered up to landmark time.csv"
BaseData <- getData()
setData(filtereddatfile, BaseData$headerTypes, BaseData$observationTypes)

# set MCMC settings: min number iter=1000, relative interval width=1, number of param per indiv=200
# this is to sample 200 parameters from 1000 iterations. Samples are uniformly spread on the iterations.
CondDistSettings <- getConditionalDistributionSamplingSettings()
setConditionalDistributionSamplingSettings(nbminiterations=500, ratio=1, nbsimulatedparameters=200)

# run SAEM and conditional distribution
runPopulationParameterEstimation() # mandatory before other tasks, but nb of iterations is null as all parameters are fixed
runConditionalDistributionSampling() # this is sampling from the posterior distribution for each individual

simparams <- getSimulatedIndividualParameters()
simparams$id <- row.names(simparams) # replace id by rank of {rep, id}
simparams$rep <- NULL
write.csv(simparams, file="table_simulated_parameters.csv", row.names = F)

# simulate based on simulated parameters using Simulx

initializeLixoftConnectors(software = "simulx", force=TRUE)

importMonolixProject(projectFile = "path_to_projet_file.mlxtran")

defineIndividualElement(name="simulatedParameters", element="table_simulated_parameters.csv")
setGroupElement(group = "simulationGroup1", elements = c("simulatedParameters"))
setGroupSize(group = "simulationGroup1", size = nrow(simparams))

simresults <- getSimulationResults()
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