List of reporting keywords
List of all reporting keywords
This page provides a list of placeholders for project settings that can be used in report templates for PKanalix projects.
Keyword | Description | Possible values |
%NCA_administrationType% | Administration type for NCA parameter calculation. | “intravenous” or “extravascular” if one adm id, otherwise “1: intravenous, 2: extravascular” with 1/2 corresponding to the administration id |
%NCA_ObsIdUsed% | Observation id used for the NCA calculations. | string of the observation id, e.g “PK” or “1” |
%data_type% | Type of data defined on the Data page. | “plasma” or “urine” if one observation id, otherwise “PK: plasma, PD: plasma” with PK/PD corresponding to the observation ids |
%NCA_integralMethod% | Method for AUC and AUMC calculation and interpolation. | as in the associated dropdown menu (linear trapezoidal linear, linear log trapezoidal, linear up log down, linear trapezoidal linear/log) |
%NCA_blqMethodBeforeTmax% | Method by which the BLQ data before Tmax should be replaced. | as in the associated dropdown menu (missing, zero, LOQ, LOQ/2) |
%NCA_blqMethodAfterTmax% | Method by which the BLQ data after Tmax should be replaced. | as in the associated dropdown menu (missing, zero, LOQ, LOQ/2) |
%NCA_ajdr2AcceptanceCriteria% | Value of the adjusted R2 acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z. | a number |
%NCA_extrapAucAcceptanceCriteria% | Value of the AUC extrapolation acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z. | a number |
%NCA_spanAcceptanceCriteria% | Span acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z. | a number |
%NCA_lambdaRule% | General rule for the lambda_Z estimation. Includes information about the main rule, together with settings defined in the “rules” tab. | Examples: |
%NCA_lambdaWeighting% | Weighting used for the lambda_Z estimation. | as in the associated dropdown menu (uniform, 1/Y, 1/Y²) |
%CA_cost% | Cost function used for CA. | as in the associated dropdown menu ((Ypred – Yobs)², (Ypred – Yobs)² / Yobs, (Ypred – Yobs)² / Ypred, (Ypred – Yobs)² / Yobs², (Ypred – Yobs)² / Ypred², (Ypred – Yobs)² / |Ypred * Yobs|) |
%CA_method% | Fit with individual parameters or with the same parameters for all individuals. | pooled fit, individual fit |
%CA_blqMethod% | BLQ method for CA. | as in the associated dropdown menu (missing, zero, LOQ, LOQ/2) |
%BE_level% | Level of the confidence interval for bioequivalence | a number |
%BE_limits% | Limits in which the confidence interval must be to conclude the bioequivalence is true | Two numbers separated by a comma. Example: |
%BE_linearModelFactors% | Factors tested in the linear model for bioequivalence. | Data set column names. Example: |
%BE_design% | Design of a bioequivalence study. | parallel, crossover |
%BE_reference% | Categorical covariate modality selected as a reference | One of the modalities present in the data set. Example: |
%TotalNbSubjects% | Total number of subjects in the data set (all observation ids together). | a number |
%TotalNbSubjectsOcc% | Total number of subjects-occasions in the dataset (all observation ids together). | a number |
%AvgNbDosesPerSubject% | Average number of doses per subject (any administration id, any occasion, all observation ids). | a number |
%TotalNbObservations% | Total number of observations in the data set. | if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx |
%AvgNbObservationsPerID% | Average number of observations per id (all occasions together). | if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx |
%MinNbObservationsPerID% | Minimum number of observations per id (all occasions together). | if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx |
%MaxNbObservationsPerID% | Maximum number of observations per id (all occasions together). | if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx |
%PercentCensoredObservations% | Percentage of censored observations. | if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx |
%StructModelCode% | Mlxtran code for the structural model. | whole structural model file content, as shown in the CA model tab |
%reportGenerationDateTime(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)% | Report generation date and time. For date format syntax, see below. | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
%system% | Operating system on which report was generated. | Linux, macOS, Windows |
%version% | Version of PKanalix with which report was generated. | 2023R1 |
%project_fileName% | File name of the project (without path). | Example: |
%project_filePath% | File path of the project. | Example: |
%data_fileName% | File name of the data set (without path). | Example: |
Report generation date and time format
These expressions may be used in reportGenerationDateTime for date formatting:
Expression | Output |
d | The day as a number without a leading zero (1 to 31) |
dd | The day as a number with a leading zero (01 to 31) |
ddd | The abbreviated day name ('Mon' to 'Sun'). |
dddd | The long day name ('Monday' to 'Sunday'). |
M | The month as a number without a leading zero (1 to 12) |
MM | The month as a number with a leading zero (01 to 12) |
MMM | The abbreviated month name ('Jan' to 'Dec'). |
MMMM | The long month name ('January' to 'December'). |
yy | The year as a two digit number (00 to 99) |
yyyy | The year as a four digit number. If the year is negative, a minus sign is prepended, making five characters. |
Example date format strings (assuming that the date is the 20 July 1969):
Format | Result |
dd.MM.yyyy | 20.07.1969 |
ddd MMMM d yy | Sun July 20 69 |
dddd | Sunday |
These expressions may be used in reportGenerationDateTime for time formatting:
Expression | Output |
h | The hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display) |
hh | The hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display) |
H | The hour without a leading zero (0 to 23, even with AM/PM display) |
HH | The hour with a leading zero (00 to 23, even with AM/PM display) |
m | The minute without a leading zero (0 to 59) |
mm | The minute with a leading zero (00 to 59) |
s | The whole second, without any leading zero (0 to 59) |
ss | The whole second, with a leading zero where applicable (00 to 59) |
z or zz | The fractional part of the second, to go after a decimal point, without trailing zeroes. Thus |
zzz | The fractional part of the second, to millisecond precision, including trailing zeroes where applicable (000 to 999). For example, |
AP or A | Use AM/PM display. |
ap or a | Use am/pm display. |
aP or Ap | Use AM/PM display (since 6.3). |
t | The timezone abbreviation (for example "CEST"). Note that time zone abbreviations are not unique. |
tt | The timezone's offset from UTC with no colon between the hours and minutes (for example "+0200"). |
ttt | The timezone's offset from UTC with a colon between the hours and minutes (for example "+02:00"). |
tttt | The timezone name (for example "Europe/Berlin"). Note that this gives no indication of whether the datetime was in daylight-saving time or standard time, which may lead to ambiguity if the datetime falls in an hour repeated by a transition between the two. |
Example time format strings (assuming that the time is 14:13:09.042):
Format | Result |
hh:mm:ss.zzz | 14:13:09.042 |
h:m:s ap | 2:13:9 pm |
H:m:s a | 14:13:9 pm |