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List of reporting keywords

This page provides a list of placeholders for project settings that can be used in report templates for PKanalix projects.



Possible values


Administration type for NCA parameter calculation.

“intravenous” or “extravascular” if one adm id, otherwise “1: intravenous, 2: extravascular” with 1/2 corresponding to the administration id


Observation id used for the NCA calculations.

string of the observation id, e.g “PK” or “1”


Type of data defined on the Data page.

“plasma” or “urine” if one observation id, otherwise “PK: plasma, PD: plasma” with PK/PD corresponding to the observation ids


Method for AUC and AUMC calculation and interpolation.

as in the associated dropdown menu (linear trapezoidal linear, linear log trapezoidal, linear up log down, linear trapezoidal linear/log)


Method by which the BLQ data before Tmax should be replaced.

as in the associated dropdown menu (missing, zero, LOQ, LOQ/2)


Method by which the BLQ data after Tmax should be replaced.

as in the associated dropdown menu (missing, zero, LOQ, LOQ/2)


Value of the adjusted R2 acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z.

a number


Value of the AUC extrapolation acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z.

a number


Span acceptance criteria for the estimation of lambda_Z.

a number


General rule for the lambda_Z estimation. Includes information about the main rule, together with settings defined in the “rules” tab.

“R2 with maximum 500 points, minimum time 20”
“Time interval between 10 and 50”
“Fixed number of points (3 points)”


Weighting used for the lambda_Z estimation.

as in the associated dropdown menu (uniform, 1/Y, 1/Y²)


Cost function used for CA.

as in the associated dropdown menu ((Ypred – Yobs)², (Ypred – Yobs)² / Yobs, (Ypred – Yobs)² / Ypred, (Ypred – Yobs)² / Yobs², (Ypred – Yobs)² / Ypred², (Ypred – Yobs)² / |Ypred * Yobs|)


Fit with individual parameters or with the same parameters for all individuals.

pooled fit, individual fit


BLQ method for CA.

as in the associated dropdown menu (missing, zero, LOQ, LOQ/2)


Level of the confidence interval for bioequivalence

a number


Limits in which the confidence interval must be to conclude the bioequivalence is true

Two numbers separated by a comma. Example:
0.8, 1.25


Factors tested in the linear model for bioequivalence.

Data set column names. Example:


Design of a bioequivalence study.

parallel, crossover


Categorical covariate modality selected as a reference

One of the modalities present in the data set. Example:


Total number of subjects in the data set (all observation ids together).

a number


Total number of subjects-occasions in the dataset (all observation ids together).

a number


Average number of doses per subject (any administration id, any occasion, all observation ids).

a number


Total number of observations in the data set.

if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx


Average number of observations per id (all occasions together).

if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx


Minimum number of observations per id (all occasions together).

if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx


Maximum number of observations per id (all occasions together).

if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx


Percentage of censored observations.

if one obs id, number, if several obs id, PK: xx, PD: xx


Mlxtran code for the structural model.

whole structural model file content, as shown in the CA model tab

%reportGenerationDateTime(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)%

Report generation date and time. Part of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss can be removed or reordered.

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss


Operating system on which report was generated.

Linux, macOS, Windows


Version of PKanalix with which report was generated.



File name of the project (without path).



File path of the project.



File name of the data set (without path).


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