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Model libraries

In addition to the macros, model libraries are provided with Monolix. This simplifies the use of the software by decreasing the necessity of coding: usual models can be picked from the libraries and used directly.

PK model library

The PK library includes model with different administration routes (bolus, infusion, first-order absorption, zero-order absorption, with or without Tlag), different number of compartments (1, 2 or 3 compartments), and different types of eliminations (linear or Michaelis-Menten). The PK library models can be used with single or multiple doses data, and with two different types of administration in the same data set (oral and bolus for instance).

Complete description of the PK model library.

PD and PK/PD model libraries

The PD model library contains direct response models such as Emax and Imax with various baseline models, and turnover response models. These models are PD models only and the drug concentration over time must be defined in the data set and passed as a regressor. The PK/PD library provides all standard combinations of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models.

Complete description of the PD and PK/PD model libraries.

PK double absorption model library

The library of double absorption models implemented in Monolix takes into account all the combinations of absorption types and delays for two absorptions. The absorptions can be specified as simultaneous or sequential, and with a pre-defined or independent order. This library simplifies the selection and testing of different types of double absorptions.

Complete description of the PK double absorption model library.

Parent – Metabolite model library

The library of parent-metabolite models implemented in Monolix takes into account first pass effect, uni and bidirectional transformation and up to three compartments for parent and metabolite. Implementation with the mlxtran macros uses analytical solutions for faster parameter estimation.

Complete description of the parent – metabolite model library.

Target-mediated drug disposition (TMDD) model library

An introduction to the TMDD concepts, the description of the library’s content, a detailed explanation of the hierarchy of TMDD model approximations, and guidelines to choose an appropriate model is proposed along with the model library.
The library contains a large number of TMDD models corresponding to different approximations, different administration routes, different parameterizations, and different outputs. In total 608 model files are available.

Complete description of the TMDD model library.

Time-to-event (TTE) model library

The mlxtran language allows to describe and model time-to-event data. An introduction on time-to-event data and the different ways to model this kind of data is given here. A library of typical parametric models is provided in Monolix.

Complete description of the TTE model library.

Count model library

The mlxtran language allows to describe and model count data. A short introduction on count data and presentation of the count library available in the 2019 version is given.

Complete description of the count model library.

Tumor growth inhibition (TGI) library

A wide range of models for tumour growth (TG) and tumour growth inhibition (TGI) is available in the literature and correspond to different hypotheses on the tumor or treatment dynamics. In MonolixSuite2020, we provide a modular TG/TGI model library that combines sets of frequently used basic models and possible additional features. This library permits to easily test and combine different hypotheses for the tumor growth kinetics and effect of a treatment, allowing to fit a large variety of tumor size data.

Complete description of the TGI model library.

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