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What's new in recent versions

MonolixSuite 2024

Release Notes 2024 (coming soon)

Discover the latest features of MonolixSuite 2024 in this webinar! They give you more flexibility and even better performance in Monolix, Simulx and PKanalix. From accelerated run and reload times, integrated bootstrap and sparse NCA, to efficient outputs and plot customization and compatibility with Excel or SAS inputs. These are just a glimpse! Watch this video to see how the new MonolixSuite version will improve your modeling and simulation projects.

MonolixSuite 2023

Discover the thrilling new functionalities of MonolixSuite 2023 in this webinar! You will gain practical insights on how to use these features to improve your analysis and simplify your workflow through a case study. The latest version of MonolixSuite includes two brand new modules for Monolix and PKanalix, which automate data formatting and customized result reporting, streamlining the analysis process. Additionally, the webinar will show numerous other new features that span all applications.

Timestamps for new features:

  • 00:00 Introduction

  • 04:10 Data Formatting

  • 21:25 Data units

  • 22:53 Merged mean curves

  • 25:01 NCA parameter aliases

  • 26:05 New metrics in NCA summary table

  • 27:31 Reporting

  • 46:23 Generalized CA

  • 47:47 New diagnostic tools for CA

  • 50:27 Export from PKanalix to Monolix or Simulx

  • 52:00 Coefficients of variation in Monolix results

  • 52:21 Custom axis limits for VPC

  • 52:56 Export from Monolix to PKanalix or Simulx

  • 56:07 Merged output distributions

  • 56:46 New outcomes options

  • 58:57 Export from Simulx to Monolix or PKanalix

  • 1:00:08 Recap of new features

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