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Typical workflows with MonolixSuite

Typical Modeling Workflow with Monolix

Typical modeling workflow with Monolix 2021 on the example of Warfarin, in 5 chapters:

  • 0:00 -- Introduction

  • 0:25 -- Chapter 1: Data exploration

  • 3:22 -- Chapter 2: Optimizing the structural model

  • 10:12 -- Chapter 3: Optimizing the statistical model

  • 15:05 -- Chapter 4: PD data modeling

  • 17:19 -- Chapter 5: Automated covariate search

  • 19:11 -- Summary

Typical Simulation Workflow with Simulx

Typical simulation workflow with Simulx 2021 on the example of Warfarin, in 5 steps:

  • 0:00 -- Introduction

  • 0:43 -- Step 1: Explore dosing regimen

  • 6:19 -- Step 2: Simulate a new scenario

  • 9:10 -- Step 3: Simulate a trial

  • 11:03 -- Step 4: Post-process the results

  • 15:05 -- Step 5: Run study replicates to obtain the power of a trial

  • 17:10 -- Summary

Typical NCA and CA Workflow with PKanalix

This video highlights the powerful capabilities of PKanalix in its 2023 version. PKanalix offers a complete solution for non-compartmental, bioequivalence, and compartmental analysis seamlessly integrating various stages of your workflow, ensuring data integrity, and delivering rapid insights. Together with Monolix, facilitating population modeling, and Simulx, for efficient simulations, PKanalix forms a comprehensive suite of interconnected tools designed to streamline your entire modeling and simulation workflow. In this video, we will walk you through a typical workflow in PKanalix.

  • 0:00 What is PKanalix

  • 2:01 Dataset and data visualization

  • 6:12 Non-compartmental analysis

  • 10:18 Report generation

  • 12:02 Compartmental analysis

  • 16:04 Export to Simulx and Monolix

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