MonolixSuite silent installer
It is possible to install MonolixSuite with a silent installer mode, i.e. without any user interaction. It is particularly convenient on systems without interface (typically cluster) and when you want to install it on a lot of machines in a network.
The MonolixSuite2024R1 installer includes a silent mode.
The installer can be used in commandline with the following commands and options:
in, install: Install packages and aliases given as an argument. If no arguments are given, install the default package
pr, purge: Uninstall all packages and remove the program directory. (to be used with the Uninstaller executable)
activationKey: given as activationKey=”XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX” in combination with install
-am, -accept-messages: Accepts all message queries without user input.
-al, -accept-licenses: Accepts all licenses without user input.
-c, -confirm-command: Confirms starting of installation, update or removal of components without user input.
-t, –root <directory>: Set the installation root directory.
Thus, to install MonolixSuite in one line, the command is:
./monolixSuite2024R1 in activationKey="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" --am --al --c
If the activation key is incorrect or not given, MonolixSuite will be installed and will ask for a license when the software is launched. If a previous version is already installed with a valid license, it is not necessary to provide an activation key.
MonolixSuite2023R1 and older
You need to download the files controlscript_lixoftsuite_silent.qs as well as .
Save the two files in the same folder as the file monolixsuite2023R1-installer, and launch the following command line in that folder:
You can then use licenseActivate script in the installation folder (in subfolder lib/) to provide the key, like this:
./licenseActivate --key <key>
Some important points:
It only works for Linux operating system. For windows operating system, you need to accept to install it as an administrator and accept the installation of the Visual Redistribute.
It is possible to change the installation directory by modifying the file controlscript_lixoftsuite_silent.qs on line 104.
If you are installing older MonolixSuite versions, you should use:
For 2021R2: ./
For 2021R1: ./
For 2020R1: ./
For 2019R2: ./
For 2019R1: ./
For 2018R2: ./
For 2018R1: ./
There is no option to uninstall MonolixSuite with a silent command.