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Event outputs

  • NCCTG lung cancer data set: The North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) data set records the survival (time-to-event output) of 228 patients with advanced lung cancer, together with assessments of the patients performance status measured either by the physician and by the patients themselves.

  • Veterans’ Administration Lung Cancer data set: In this study conducted by the US Veterans Administration, time to death was recorded for 137 male patients with advanced inoperable lung cancer, which were given either a standard therapy or a test chemotherapy.

  • PBC data set: PBC is a rare but fatal chronic liver disease of unknown cause, with a prevalence of about 50-cases-per-million population. Between January, 1974 and May, 1984, the Mayo Clinic conducted a double-blinded randomized trial in primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver (PBC), comparing the drug D-penicillamine (DPCA) with a placebo.

  • Cardiovascular data set:  A subset of the fields was selected to model the differential length of stay for patients entering the hospital to receive one of two standard cardiovascular procedures: CABG and PTCA. The data set contains 3589 individuals.

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