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Continuous outputs

  • Warfarin data set: Warfarin is an anticoagulant normally used in the prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism.  Plasma warfarin concentrations thirty normal subjects after a single loading dose are measured.

  • Theophylline data set: continuous outputs are taken into account along with categorical and continuous covariates (sex and weight respectively). Moreover, censored data are also managed.

  • Tobramycin data set: continuous PK output are taken into account, along with categorical and continuous covariates.

  • HIV data set: two continuous censored outputs are considered. No dose is used in the data set, and the treatment type is considered as a categorical covariate.

  • Veralipride data set: continuous output with an interesting absorption variability being by far the most probable physiological explanation for the double peak phenomenon.

  • Remifentanil data set: Remifentanil is an opioid analgesic drug with a rapid onset and rapid recovery time. Remifentanil concentration over 65 healthy adults is proposed.

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