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Categorical outputs

  • Respiratory status data set: the respiratory status of patients under placebo or treatment is categorized as “poor” or “good” once per month during 5 months over 111 patients.

  • Inpatient multidimensional psychiatric data set: categorical output with a categorical covariate (treatment) during 6 weeks. These data are from the National Institute of Mental Health Schizophrenia Collaborative Study and are available here. Patients were randomized to receive one of four medications, either placebo or one of three different anti-psychotic drugs. The primary outcome is item 79 on the Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric.

  • Zylkene data set: The putative effects of a tryptic bovine αs1-casein hydrolysate on anxious disorders in cats was investigated using this data set over 24 cats. The score is a global score of emotional state.

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